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Saturday, August 20, 2016

Playing Mode 8/20/2016

     The past two weeks have been productive for getting to a workable version of the Arca. Things just entered a pre-alpha stage last night with the game being technically playable right now. Rules for Character Sheets and Arca Sheets are being hammered out now, and next will be further sheets for each game. The main analog systems right now are Magic: The Gathering, Heroclix, and Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition. (With a bit of Heroscape/Arena of the Planeswalkers thrown in) After that, analog will try to move on to Warhammer, Warmachine, and Malifaux. Digital is harder to sort out but will mostly focus on RTS and RPG's where you create/name your own character(s). 

Current Games:
Magic: The Gathering (Tabletop) Not much playing, but still simmering here.
Pokemon Go (iOS) Hit level 24 a week or so ago. Going slow now, but still playing.
Age of Empires II HD (PC) Messing with low population, deathmatch, and age restriction settings.
Heroes of the Storm (PC) Just leveling characters still.
DnD 5th Ed (Tabletop) Playing Espilthork the Dwarven Skald.
Last of Us (PS4) Beat it. Didn't like the ending at all, but the game was solid.
No Man's Sky (PS4) Following the Atlas Path, 15 jumps in. Just trying to name as many systems and planets as I can, farming a bit along the way.
PC GAMING BONANZA - I've just been installing and trying out a bunch of stuff from the backlog: Total Annihilation, Icewind Dale, Alpha Centuri, Age of Mythology, Risk of Rain.
Original Broadway Cast - Hamilton.
If These Trees Could Talk - Above the Earth, Below the Sky

Steven Universe - Season 3

Finally started the Dark Tower. Not sure if I like it yet.
*Edit 8/29: Dark Tower is pretty good, I'm about halfway through. Also I got the Batman/TMNT crossover hardcover and the story was okay but the artwork alone was totally worth the purchase. The alt covers drawn by Eastman are amazing. 

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