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Friday, July 17, 2015

Ant-Man Impressions


     I saw Ant-Man today, and it was okay but not really great. Basically the whole first hour is spent explaining things: explaining how the suit works, explaining how Scott was a burglar and got caught and has a daughter, explaining how the boring bad guy figured out how to make another suit etc... It's a lot of exposition with barely any actual interaction between the characters 'cause they spend most of the time setting everything up for the audience to understand.

     So anyway, once all the explaining is taken care of, it gets lot more interesting. I really liked the fight scene with Falcon, because if we're being honest, the MCU tie ins are the only reason we are even here. (Though it would have been nice to hear another voice on the end of Falcon's comm. It wasn't Cap, but then who? It made the scene feel a little cheap, as in they literally didn't want to pay one of the other Avengers to do a quick voice over.)

     We have to see the old formula from Iron Man 1 and 2 at work again here (good guy makes a suit, bad guy uses tech for their own suit, and then they fight) but at least the suits ARE cool. I really liked the differences between them too, with the bad guy (Yellow Jacket) having a weaponized fighting advantage, but the Ant-Man suit having control of ants and little size-changing throwing discs to balance it out. 

     I pretty much did a face palm during the "Siri, play the (I forgot the name) song by the Cure" scene. It was just awkward and out of place. I think they were trying to go for a Guardians of the Galaxy style music-comedy tie in, but it didn't work for me.

     I think it will be cool to see Ant-Man working with the other Avengers, and as an MCU fan I'd say this movie still delivers the goods. Bonus points for feeling like a sci-fi Ferngully.

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