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Friday, June 12, 2015

Tomorrowland Impressions

     This is basically a movie about being optimistic and trying to save the world with the spirit of dreams and the power of imagination. I'll be honest, that kind of shit hits me hard in the feels and I was pretty emotional during the ending sequence. Unfortunately there are some solid failures here which make it hard to really love the movie.

     I think the biggest problem is that the villain had no real reason to be a villain. Nix (Hugh Laurie) is the main antagonist, but it's basically because he gave up and became a cynic. So, scriptwriters, I have something to tell you: people who give up don't put effort into things. That's part of the whole "giving up" thing; they just don't care anymore. So why would Nix even bother to have crazy robots killing the shit out of everything in an effort to stop the main characters? It is literally only so there to have some cool action sequences in the movie. It sucks.

    I'm pretty bummed that a lot of the negative reviews are more focused on how "preachy" the movie is. I mean, it was pretty preachy I guess, but it was all true. A huge theme of the movie is about how people can't be bothered to fix a world that is crumbling around them, and then in real life the reviewers are LITERALLY LIVING UP TO THIS by acting like it's a bad thing for a movie to try and communicate the message that our society is in serious danger if we don't do something about it.

     I still liked the movie though. Keegan-Michael Key's cameo was pretty neat, and I really enjoyed hearing Clooney say "aw HELL!" over and over as the movie's allowable dirty language.

     It really is up to the dreamers, the scientists and artists, to save the world, and for highlighting that, I still have to say Tomorrowland is a good movie.

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