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Monday, February 23, 2015

Miles Morales FTW

     "If I have to watch another Peter Parker origin story, I'll shoot Uncle Ben myself." ~Lu

     Yea, pretty much how I feel about the idea there could be another Peter Parker on the big screen.

So let's look at some of the possibilities here:

-Give Peter Parker his full story (again) and have him steal the spotlight from Cap and Stark.
-Shoehorn him into the movie awkwardly without giving him the weight he deserves.

     I think the writers are going to have a real tough time trying to walk this line. So you know what would be an awesome way to solve all of these problems, plus a few extra ones?

Miles Morales

     Using Miles would give the audience a fresh new back story, so that problem is solved. Plus, he is younger than Peter and a total rookie, so there is no chance of him butting in on Captain America and Iron-Man's turf as the "main" characters of the MCU. As a bonus, we get more cast diversity, and Miles gets to become a more legitimate version of Spidey instead of just in the Ultimate Universe, which if you ask me, barely even counts as real. 

     So here is how I would do it (possible spoilers.) Show newsreel footage implying Spider-Man is a relatively new hero who has had some success and people generally like him. Give him a quick scene on his own, nothing special, just some bank robbers or something. Then let there be some bigger shit that hits the fan, and he gets bailed out by Cap or Stark (probably Stark). All this time, just Spider-Man is on screen. So then when it comes time for the registration act thingy, and Stark's plan to make the big Spider-Man reveal, THEN show that it is Miles. People watching the movie who don't follow these things will be all like "WHAT!? HE'S BLACK!?" It would be awesome, and give that scene the touch of surprise and drama that it deserves. 

     Check back in a year or so to see if I'm psychic.

     Wait. Hot damn right before I was going to post this I see articles like this:

     Perhaps there is hope!

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