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Monday, February 16, 2015

Jupiter Ascending Impressions

(this get-up is so 'Wachowski' it hurts)

     Well the reviews I saw for Jupiter Ascending were saying what I suspected: great visuals but a convoluted plot. After seeing it I can say I agree, but it was still a pretty cool movie. Something that really disappointed me though was the under-utilization of the bounty hunters Razo and Ibis. (Razo, pictured above, played by Doona Bae, and Ibis was played by David Ajala.)


     They decided to ignore their original plan and bring Jupiter to Kalique, and then they're never heard from again. This would have been a perfect time to bring them into the story as real characters if they instead decided to help Jupiter directly, cause hey, she's royalty and about to be crazy rich. Then they could have teamed up with Cain and Stinger and we would have had a real party on our hands. Instead we have to watch Cain fly his little space ship to save Jupiter at the last second twice.

     Also, I'm not the only one who noticed Cain's gun sounded like a dog barking as he shot it, right?

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